
WEEC: gusta la idea de una red más fuerte y organizada

En las semanas previas al Séptimo WEEC que se celebró en Marrakech con gran éxito (, la Secretaría Permanente ha consultado a los que ya se han incorporado a la red mundial mediante la firma de la Carta de Principios. La pregunta que se ha hecho era acerca de la evolución futura y, en particular, acerca de la decisión de hacer la red más formal e "institucionalizada".


The 7th WEEC has concluded on the Marrakech’s Plea

The 7th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2013), which occurred in Marrakech from the 9th to the 14th of June 2013, has filled up with participants, meetings, ideas and even emotions sharing.

2400 participants, come from all over the World (more than 105 nationalities were there!), have shared and enjoyed together the 7th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2013), for 5 days, from the 9th to the 14th of June, in the Marrakech Congresses Palace (Palais des Congrès). This record participation highlights the growing interest for the Environment and make this unique event a reference forum in the Environmental Education field.  

Co-organised by the Foundation Mohammed VI for the protection of the environment an the Permanent Secretariat Of the WEEC Network, it was supported by international institutions, such as UNESCO, UNEP, ISESCO, the Federation for the Environmental Education (FEE), whose highest delegates have come to participate in the Congress’ works.

Structured in plenary sessions and thematic niches, the Congress’ works have analysed all the different aspects of the Environmental Education, showing how this is the key to abandon a development model which is at the end of its rope!


Comunicado de prensa 4/2013


The 7th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2013), a great success, will take place in Marrakech from June 9 – 14, 2013

Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and under the Chair held by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection (FM6E), very aware of environmental education’s role, has ensured that the Kingdom hosts WEEC for its ten year anniversary.

Nearly 1,500 delegates from around the world are expected to participate for one week at the 7th WEEC in Marrakech, an event where experts come to discuss and exchange experiences on the important issue of education and environmental awareness.


Comunicado de prensa 5/2013

The Mohammed VI Foundation, which co-organized this conference on environmental education, wants to make an eco-friendly event and reduce its carbon footprint to a minimum. It is also an opportunity for the Foundation to promote its carbon program.
From June 9 to 14th, the World Environmental Education Congress 2013 is about to receive over 1,200 delegates from around the world to share their experiences on environmental education and the best ways to raise awareness about these critical issues.
Advocating teaching by example, the event organizers, the WEEC Secretariat and the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, opted to make this conference a green event and issued a charter advocating ways to protect the environment during the six-day conference, and a daily approach after the conference completion.


Conferencia de prensa 13 Marzo 2013

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The WEEC is coming to Marrakech

The 7th WEEC (World Environmental Education Congress) will be held in Marrakech's Palais des Congrès from 9th to 14th of June 2013.

What are the main educational themes that run through our century ? What do we need in order to develop a more active nation, a more responsible social consciousness, a more tolerable future ? These will be the main topics discussed at the Palais des Congrès in Marrakech, from 9th to 14th of June 2013, at the 7th WEEC, World Environmental Education Congress.

The Congress is held under the high patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, and under the presidency of Her Royal Highness the Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Foundation Mohammed VI for Environmental Protection.


Comunicado de prensa 1/2013

Urbanización del litoral y preservación del ambiente marino

En el 7° WEEC también se hablara de mar. Todos los actores relacionados con los temas de la educación ambiental marina son invitados a participar al congreso, hacer propuestas de intervento y a entrar en contacto con redes, instituciones, investigadores, administraciones locales, profesionales, que trabajan en la educación ambiental marina o que están interesados en la relación litoral-mar.
Más del 60% de la población mundial vive en una franja de 60 km cerca de la costa, y las mayores megalópolis del mundo se extienden sobre largas distancias en el borde del mar.


Comunicado de prensa 6/2012

Atención: la fecha límite para el envío de los resúmenes es el 31 de Diciembre 2012

Es un gran placer invitarle a someter resúmenes para el Séptimo Congreso mundial de Educación Ambiental (7WEEC) que se realizará en el Palacio de Congresos de Marrakech, Marruecos entre el 9 y 14 de Junio 2013.

La fecha límite para el envío de los resúmenes y beneficiar aún de la cuota de inscripción reducida es el 31 de Diciembre 2012.

Los resúmenes pueden ser enviados en árabe, inglés, francés y español. Para su presentación puede elegir entre las siguientes modalidades: comunicación oral, póster, taller, comunicación en mesa redonda.

Más detalles para someter los resúmenes están disponibles en el sitio.

Le pedimos que nos ayude a divulgar la convocatoria invitando a sus amigos y colegas a someter sus resúmenes y difundir la noticia del WEEC 2013 entre vuestros contactos, sobre diarios y revistas, páginas internet, blog, páginas Facebook.

Para unirse a la Red WEEC puede rellenar el formulario en línea. 

WEEC El Secretariado Permanente

c/o Istituto per l'Ambiente e l'Educazione Scholé Futuro ONLUS Via Bligny 15, 10122 Torino (Italy) - Ph./Fax +390114366522

WEEC El Secretariado Permanente

c/o Istituto per l'Ambiente e l'Educazione Scholé Futuro ONLUS

Via Bligny 15, 10122 Torino (Italy) - Ph./Fax +390114366522
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Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l'Environnement

Avenue Mohammed VI, rue El Madani Ibn Houssaïni, B.P: 5679
Rabat – MAROC - Tél: + 212 (0)5 37 65 88 44 (LG) – Fax: + 212 (0)5 37 65 55 31
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