
Mario Salomone dresse le bilan du WEEC 2013

Mario Salomone, Secrétaire Général du Congrès Mondial de l'Education à l'Environnement (WEEC), et Président de la Fédération Italienne des médias de l'Environnement (FIMA) dresse dans cet entretien exclusif, accordé à Radio Ecologia, le bilan du WEEC 2013 que la ville de Marrakech a abrité du 9 au 14 Juin 2013.

Click here to see the interview


Green Room: a message from the Secretary-General

Green Room in Nairobi
Innovations in Higher Education for Sustainability: Launch of Platform for Sustainable Performance in Education
The Greenroom was a meeting room reserved primarily for the participating Major Groups and Stakeholders of civil society during the First Universal Session of the GC/GMEF of UNEP, from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd February 2013.
The event included keynote presentations on Innovations in Higher Education for Sustainability. A closing presentation on the upcoming 7th World Environmental Education Congress, 9-14 June 2013 in Morocco, was delivered by the WEEC Secretary General Mario Salomone.

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WEEC El Secretariado Permanente

c/o Istituto per l'Ambiente e l'Educazione Scholé Futuro ONLUS Via Bligny 15, 10122 Torino (Italy) - Ph./Fax +390114366522

WEEC El Secretariado Permanente

c/o Istituto per l'Ambiente e l'Educazione Scholé Futuro ONLUS

Via Bligny 15, 10122 Torino (Italy) - Ph./Fax +390114366522
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Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l'Environnement

Avenue Mohammed VI, rue El Madani Ibn Houssaïni, B.P: 5679
Rabat – MAROC - Tél: + 212 (0)5 37 65 88 44 (LG) – Fax: + 212 (0)5 37 65 55 31
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